
Stache Mini E-Nail: 25mm Quartz Bucket E-Banger Dab Kit

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  • StacheProducts Stache Mini E-Nail: 25mm Quartz Bucket E-Banger Dab Kit
  • StacheProducts Stache Mini E-Nail: 25mm Quartz Bucket E-Banger Dab Kit
MSRP: $219.99
Sale Price $174.99
— You save $45.00
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Stache Mini E-Nail 25mm Quartz Bucket E-Banger Dab Kit

The Stache Mini E-Nail is designed as a digitally controlled heating device that delivers a consistent heat temperature getting you the best taste and experience out of your concentrates.

The controller box heats the quartz banger up to your desired temperature in a matter of second with the touch of a button. A desktop enail provides a more balanced and consistent smoking experience when compared to a standard torch and banger dab sesh. The Stache Mini E-Nail will last you years and years to come!

The Stache Mini Enail Controller can heat up to temperatures reaching 1000 degrees, but it is best to run your device at around 550-700 degrees based on your preference!

The Mini Enail Kit comes with the Mini E-Nail controller, 25mm Axial Mini Coil Heater, Power Cable, Silicone Jar, a Protective Travel Case, and user manual. If you want the best at home experience try out this Mini E-Nail!


Controller Specifications:

  • Temperature Range: 0 Degrees to 999 Degrees F
  • Power Cord Length: 5ft
  • Controller Dimensions: 5" x 3.5" 1.5"
  • Display: Flat Digital - Set Value
  • Box Material: Metal
  • Coil Connection: Mini 5PIN Female XLR

Coil Specifications:​

  • Coil Size: 25mm
  • Coil Shape: Axial
  • Coil Length: 5ft

Banger Specifications:

  • Joint Size: 14mm
  • Joint Angle: 90 Degree
  • Joint Gender: Male
  • Banger Bucket Diameter: 23mm
  • Banger Bottom Diameter: 25mm
  • Banger Style: Regular Weld Bucket E-Banger


  • Compact Portable Size
  • Compact Kit - Comes with Travel Case
  • Steady Temperature Control with Almost No Overshoot
  • Quick Heat Up
  • 25mm Axial Coil for Top Notch Heat Distribution
  • On/Off Switch


  • 1 x Mini E-Nail Controller Box with Digital Display
  • 1 x Bucket E-Banger: 14mm Male 90 Degree - 25mm Diameter Bottom
  • 1 x 25mm Mini Axial E-Nail Coil
  • 1 x Silicone Jar
  • 1 x 6ft Power Cord
  • 1 x Carrying Case

Compatible with:

Quick Tip:​

Different E-Nail Coil Sizes and What they Do?

The e-nail coil size determines the size of the banger or nail that will be able to be used with it.

Consequently, the diameter of the banger will impact the surface area available for vaporizing. Impacting the amount of concentrate able to be efficiently used at a time. For example, if using a 16mm banger with a 16mm enail coil at 450 degrees temp vs. using a 35mm banger with a 35mm enail coil at 450 degrees temp. You can put two - three times more concentrate in a 35mm than you would a 16mm while keeping the same vaporization rate and minimal pooling.

The coil size and heat-able surface area of the banger or nail will determine the vaporization rate and amount of concentrates you can vaporize at one time.

Difference in Joint Sizes 10/14/18mm

There are a few specifications you can garner from a pipes joint size…

  • 10mm - Typically, when you are using a 10mm joint you will be working with a smaller pipe with less water filtration and airflow. These are predominately used for concentrates to enable smaller smoother inhales.
  • 14mm -The 14mm joint sizes are the most common, they are typically found in a range of heights and percolator set ups, while offering more water filtration options than smaller 10mm pipes.
  • 18mm-19mm - This joint size (18mm) is traditionally reserved for those with “lifeguard lungs”, who can consume larger inhales, the pipes are typically much larger in size sometimes up to 6 ft. while offering the most water filtration.

To put it simply it's the straw concept. Think of using any coffee straw verses using a large milkshake straw, soda straw. With one you can inhale a large amount the other would be more constricted. Some people would prefer the more constrained straw e.g. the “coffee straw” (10mm).

Bucket Banger Buying Guide

Having the right banger can make a world of difference to your dabbing experience. Bangers are one of those items that warrant a bit of a splurge to make sure your experience is as elevated as can be. But the main component to consider is how well you take care of your banger to ensure it stays clean and fresh for each hit.

#4. Banger Thickness

There are 2 different measurements for thickness, there is the wall thickness and then there is the bottom thickness. The thicker the bottom and walls, the greater the heat retention and overall durability of the banger. Thickness does come at a cost. Using an extremely thick bottom banger will take longer to heat, however it will retain the heat longer. This would be important for those looking to maintain banger temperature while placing large amounts of concentrates into the bucket banger.

To Read The Ultimate Bucket Banger Buying Guide Click Here!

Why Should I Buy an Enail?

An Enail offers the most powerful, precise , effective and efficient dabbing experience possible! Click Here to Read More

What is the Best E-Nail?

There are many different types of enails, between analog, digital, portable, or choosing between the options like hybrid, quartz, titanium, ceramic, different sizes and different brands like High Five, Galaxy, or VapeBrat, the options may seem a little overwhelming. It is best to choose an Enail set up that is most suitable to your wants, needs, and preferences! Click Here to Read More

Which Dab Rig is Best for my E-nail?

Recycler rigs are typically the best for enails and concentrates in general, offering maxing filtration with minimum cooling. With an e-nail, sturdiness and balance is key, this is why we have specifically chosen a few options to offer you that will be perfect for the e-nail being viewed. Click Here to Read More

What difference does the coil size make?

The coil size determines the banger size which is based upon the typical dab size. Is using a Reclaim Catcher a good idea? Reclaim Catchers pay for themselves within the first few usages by keeping the pipe clean while saving some reclaim for later. Click Here to Read More

What temperature should I set my enail to?

The recommended temperature ranges between 450-650 depending upon your preferences. Click here to Read More

How to Dab with and Use an E-Nail?

**** Do not turn the controller box on before the heater coil is plugged into the controller box, if you turn the controller box on before the coil is connected your display screen will read an error code.****
  • Plug in all of the parts, connect the nail/banger and rig
  • The controller box can now be turned on, most enail controller boxes will have a switch or a button to turn it on and off. (If you see an error code on the display screen after the controller box is turned on and the COIL IS CONNECTED PROPERLY, this may indicate that there is a problem with the coil’s thermocouple. This does NOT mean the unit is faulty.)
  • Set the controller box to your desired temperature.(We recommend running your enail controller between 450 and 650 degrees Fahrenheit, running an enail controller higher or lower will result in a less than satisfactory experience while running the risk of damaging the banger.)
  • Once the banger/nail is to your desired temperature (usually takes about 30 seconds to heat), pick up the desired amount of concentrates with the tip of a dab tool.
  • Place the concentrates on the bottom of the heated surface with the dab tool. (Utilizing the appropriate amount of concentrates based on the size and temperature of the banger or nail, will maximize the cloud size)
  • Inhale through the dab rig mouthpiece.

Click Here to Read a More Detailed Explanation of How to Setup and Use an Enail.

Enail FAQ Beginners Guide - Click Here

If your device is still not working correctly, please send an email to, stating the specific problem. Please include a picture or video showing the fault and also include your order number.

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