Top 5 Best Portable Enail Devices of 2023 | Electric Banger
Top 5 Best Portable Enail Devices of 2023
Awww Yeah! It’s that time of year! We’re all getting ready to pop a lil bubbly and hit the fattest blunts of the year! It’s also when we compile our best of lists. Over the past year different categories had different levels of innovation. Electric Dab Rig devices have improved their coil technology with a temperature sensor feedback loop while also increasing device durability. While electric nectar collectors have improved their coil technology and c
25th Nov 2023
How to Clean a Portable Enail using the Grenco Science G Pen Connect
Did you know that the G Pen Connect is one of the most innovative portable enails on the market, with a one-of-a-kind design that enables exceptional airflow, user-friendliness, and power to satisfy your most intense dabbing desires? This setup is known for its phenomenal performance and reliability, with a long-lasting 850mAh battery and variable voltage presets that allow you to make adjustments to output as desired, plus a ceramic heating element featuring patented reverse airflow technology
30th Nov 2022
What is an Enail? Dabbing 101
As dabbing has become a huge market in the last several years, companies have been hard at work developing all kinds of technology that makes the process of dabbing more satisfying, consistent, user-friendly, and customizable. Undoubtedly, one of the best advancements that the dabbing world has seen is the
enail, which does a lot more than simply act as a replacement for a butane torch. Enails have themselves evolved a lot in recent years, with more options available on the market than e
30th Nov 2022
Top 5 Portable E-nails 2021
5 Best Portable E-Nails of 2021
Those who have been dabbing for a while have eagerly awaited the release of the latest and greatest
e-nails which each outdo each other with fabulous features, better performance, and more consistency. In 2020, we saw some pretty phenomenal examples of e-nails at their finest, both in portable and desktop designs, and 2021 will give us even more exciting additions to the market.
As 2021 has just began, we would like to make our list of the best
15th Jul 2021
What New Innovations Have Been Made to Portable E-Nails?
Portable e-nails haven’t been around for all that long, but in their short time on the market, they have advanced a lot in terms of both technology and design. The market has grown rapidly and so spectacularly that manufacturers have been motivated to constantly improve upon the basic structure, making it more versatile, portable, and high in quality, while coming up with more ways to satisfy the basic needs of dabbing. That, while also offering a greater variety of features and settings.
15th Jul 2021