What is the Proper Dab Size for my Enail Quartz Banger?
Ah the age old question, what is the proper dab size? Well, this all depends on personal preference, effects based on tolerance and your dabbing method. Today we are going to focus specifically on enail dabbing with a quartz banger.
How does Dab Size Relate to My Enail Banger?
Knowing the size of your quartz banger and how it relates to your dab size will help you have more efficient dab sessions. This is most easily explained by saturation rate versus vaporization rate. Saturation rate refers to the point which your dab "saturates" or fills the space inside of your banger. The vaporization rate determines how rapidly your dab transforms into vapor when its heated.
The size of your enail banger needs to facilitate the size of your dab. To accomplish the most efficient dab you need even distribution across your dabbing surface for quick vaporization. This leaves behind minimal waste. If your dab is too large for the size of your quartz banger you might experience something called "pooling".
Pooling occurs when your dab accumulates in one area of your banger or dab nail, without vaporizing. This can cause uneven heating and inefficient vaporization, resulting in wasted dabs and $$. The equation to consider when discussing saturation rate and vaporization rate is the surface area and temperature.
Imagine heating two pots on a stove top, one large pot and one small pot. You place 1 cup of water in each pot. The water poured into the large pot quickly turns into vapor. On the other hand, the water in the small pot is close to boiling but its not turning into vapor yet.
You might ask yourself why? The water in the smaller pot has less direct contact to a heated surface. As soon as the water is poured into the pot, the pot instantly begins to cool down. This is because the water temperature is cooler than the pot, the pot regulates its temperature and becomes cooler.
When working with a larger sized dab and a small quartz banger you can always increase the temperature to stop your dab from pooling. However, this can sometimes lead to harsher more unpleasant dabs. On the other hand, you can increase the surface area (use a larger quartz banger) at a lower temperature to efficiently vaporize the same sized dab.
Here's a basic Dab Sizing Chart showing the size of a quartz banger and dab size that can be vaporized effectively:
If you are not the type to be able to eyeball a measurement. Or if you appreciate the added accuracy you can always look into using a dab scale like the DigiTul!
Being precise when dabbing is key. Your dab size can affect how much you enjoy it and what kind of experience you'll have.
The DigiTul Dab Scale is an innovative device that allows you to measure your dabs with digital accuracy. Whether you're loading them into a banger, titanium enail, or electric dab rig. Pair it with a temperature-controlled device like a desktop enail to customize your dabbing down to the finest detail.
By accurately measuring your concentrates and controlling the temperature precisely. You can minimize issues like pooling and leftover residue, ensuring maximum efficiency and minimal waste!
Why Is Dab Size Important to Know When Purchasing a New Quartz Enail?
Considering the size of your dab is especially important when purchasing a new enail kit. This is because the size of your enail banger will need to match the size of your enail coil.
Using an electric enail for dabbing gives you more control over the vaporization rate of your dab. You have the ability to adjust the exact temperature of your control box unlike traditional torch dabbing. A dab enail will give you the most consistent experience through and through!
Be sure to consider the type of enail coil that comes with your quartz enail dab kit as well! A 20mm barrel enail coil and a 20mm axial enail coil will not provide the same vaporization rate. The contact surface of an axial coil with your quartz banger is far greater than that of a barrel coil.