What are the Different Kinds of Percolators, and What’s the Difference Anyway?
Theres nothing quite like the first time a person uses a water pipe, and then discovers that there is more to this type of device than the cool bubbling noise that occurs each time the smoke is pulled into their lungs. A water pipe acts as a fantastic means for inhaling smoke without worrying as much about harshness, as the nature of this type of device filtrates the smoke through water to cool it down and smooth it out.
The component that does all of the heavy lifting in this type of device is a percolator, which is the name of the water filtration system. A percolator may look quite small and unassuming, but as many will tell you, it can make a massive difference in the quality of someone’s smoking sessions. And, percolators aren’t just reserved for bubblers and bongs associated with dry herb – they are becoming a standard component of any dab rig, for the same reasons as they exist in other devices.
What is a Percolator?
A percolator is the component of a water pipe that filtrates the smoke or vapor before it is inhaled. It does this by
sending the smoke or vapor through an airflow channel which requires that it passes through water. This filtration process accomplishes several things at once. First, it cools down the smoke or vapor, which can be unpleasantly hot otherwise. Secondly, it filters it to make it smoother so that it’s less likely to irritate the throat on the way down, while simultaneously making the smoke or vapor cleaner in terms of its compounds.
How Do Percolators Vary?
Percolators are hugely popular nowadays, and so it’s not all that surprising that engineers have crafted all kinds of advanced percolator styles that each filter water in different ways. The way in which a percolator varies from the others determines how much the vapor or smoke is actually filtered, as well as the airflow channel and the amount of smoke or vapor that is yielded each time a hit is drawn. Also, some of them have unique sizes and shapes that determine the design of the smoking or vaping device itself.
What are the Most Sought-After Percolator Styles of 2021?
Today, it’s easier than ever before to come across all of the above styles, so feel free to choose one that appeals to you both in terms of the quality of vapor or smoke, as well as the visual aspect it can provide.
Tree Percolator
A tree percolator is quite common, although it’s not as common as it was just a few years ago as more advanced filtration methods have been introduced. It consists of two vertical tubes connected by a series of very thin slits which filter the smoke or water as it’s passed through the tubes.
Diffused Downstem Percolator
One of the most common percolators you’ll find in dab rigs is the diffused downstem percolator, which is functional in terms of design and quite effective. It uses a vertical downstem with a slit at the bottom, which sucks smoke or vapor into it so that it can easily pass through the water chamber.
Disc Percolator
Another quite popular style is the disc percolator, which is a disc with many holes in it, looking similar to the shredder attachment on a food processor. This not only offers particularly strong filtration but creates a lot of tiny bubbles which can be fun to watch.
Showerhead Percolator
A growing trend is the showerhead percolator, which looks a lot like a showerhead, hence the name. It has a barrel component consisting of lots of tiny holes along with a whirlpool effect, and the filtration here is excellent.
Honeycomb Percolator
A growing number of dabbers in particular are seeking out rigs with honeycomb percolators, which may provide the strongest filtration of all. They consist of stacked discs, each with many small holes, acting as something of a Swiss cheese effect as the smoke or vapor passes through.
Barrel Percolator
A barrel percolator is an older design that remains quite popular. It looks like a barrel, positioned either upright or sideways, with various tubes inside that are notched to diffuse the smoke or vapor effectively.
Turbine Percolator
Turbine percolators are associated with the whirlpool effect that’s very visually appealing. They consist of multiple small slits angled in a certain manner so that the smoke or vapor gets spun around in the water.
Circle Percolator
Circle percolators are a lot like a disc percolator, only with a dome shape rather than a flat disc. It also uses many slits on the outside. The circle percolator is currently associated with providing the best flavor due to its excellent filtration system.
Bottom Line: Any of these percolators is likely to produce a very gratifying session, Whether you’re dabbing or enjoying some dry herb, it can be fun to explore the different options that are available and see how each one changes the experience in nuanced ways.
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